Fwd: [#339506] Non-spam review and verification request: http://aby.blogspot.com
setelah mencoba berkali-kali mengirim blog via imel dan selalu masuk sebagai draft, akhirnya blog support memberikan "non-spam review" dan menandakan bahwa blog ini bebas hama....
mungkin gara-gara ada artikel yang berbau "pLoNGo" kali ya... :(
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From: Blogger Support < support@blogger.com>
Date: Dec 21, 2005 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [#339506] Non-spam review and verification request: http://aby.blogspot.com
To: aby herwendo {U 559110 B 3395051} < aby.herwendo@gmail.com>
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and whitelisted so that it will no
longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger and sign back
in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your patience,
and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Blogger Support
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